Ready to get your CPR certification
as Quickly & Conveniently as possible?

CPR Certification Classes Every Tues , Wed, & Thurs at 5pm!

Click Here
to Register for a CPR Class
Every Tues, Wed, Thurs 5pm!

Who We CPR Certify

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Welcome to CPR Certification Las Vegas Academy! We are the premier CPR class provider in Las Vegas, NV. We provide CPR certification classes every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 5pm in the Northwest at Rancho & Craig. Our CPR classes cover infant, child, adult CPR as well as AED and First Aid….all in one class! Our CPR class incorporates the use of live instructor lecture, video instruction, and hands-on training with our manikins. Our CPR manikins are brand new and use the newest technology that truly simulates a real human body.

Our CPR certification is valid for home health care and Clark County School District employees, and all other non-hospital employees. Upon completing the CPR class, you will be issued your CPR certification card immediately. Your CPR certification card is valid for a period of 2 years.

Join us in our next CPR class. Classes are offered every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 5pm. Just register online via this web site, and you can come to any class you like (no specific date reservation required).

Do you know where to go to get your CPR certification quickly and easily?

Do you know where to go to get both the best instructors and the best prices?

We are local, we have the best prices AND instructors

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Schedule a course today, get your
certification quickly and without hassle

Get Your CPR Certification card in 3 easy steps

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Have you always dreamed of working with kids, just to give up your dream job because you need CPR certification training?

We didn’t think so!

Get your certification done quickly, without having to travel all the way downtown!

Click to Reserve Your Seat!

Surprise—didn’t realize your new job would require CPR/First Aid certification?

Looking for an easy course available near you?

Get certified and start your new job without the hassle of driving across town!

Check for the next available class here!

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Have you always dreamed of working with kids, just to give up your dream job because you need CPR certification training?

We didn’t think so!

Get your certification done quickly, without having to travel all the way downtown!

Click to Reserve Your Seat!

Surprise—didn’t realize your new job would require CPR/First Aid certification?

Looking for an easy course available near you?

Get certified and start your new job without the hassle of driving across town!

Check for the next available class here!

What we believe in

What we do


quick cpr certification north las vegas

What CPR certification classes do you offer?

We offer infant, adult, child CPR certification classes.

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Do you offer AED courses?

Yes, AED course is included with the CPR certification course.

quick cpr certification north las vegas

Where are CPR certification classes held?

Classes are held at 4079 N Rancho Drive #190. This is in NW Las Vegas.

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What time are CPR certification classes held?

Classes are held every Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm. Please arrive 10 minutes early.

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Is a person who performs CPR in Nevada liable in a civil action?

As long as no gross negligence exists, no. See Nevada liability laws.

quick cpr certification north las vegas

How much does the CPR certification class cost?


quick cpr certification north las vegas

How do I register for a CPR certification class?

Simply! Just register online and show up for class any Tues or Thurs at 5pm!

quick cpr certification north las vegas

How long is CPR certification valid?

You will receive your CPR certification card at the end of class. It is valid for 2 years.

quick cpr certification north las vegas

How long is the CPR certification class?

Classes are approximately 3 hours.

quick cpr certification north las vegas

Is the $45 registration fee refundable?

Yes, the class registration fee is fully refundable until the class is attended.

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